Canonical URL: http://schema.org/EventRescheduledThe event has been rescheduled. The event's previousStartDate should be set to the old date and the startDate should be set to the event's new date. (If the event has been rescheduled multiple times, the previousStartDate property may be repeated).
Usage: Fewer than 10 domains
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An example of a more fully specified MusicEvent, including a tour image, full venue address, multiple performers, and multiple ticket classes.
This example is JSON-only.
This example is JSON-only.
<script type="application/ld+json"> [{ "@context" : "http://schema.org", "@type" : "MusicEvent", "name" : "B.B. King with Jonathon \"Boogie\" Long", "image" : "http://www.bbking.com/gallery/b-b-king-live.jpg", "url" : "http://www.bbking.com/events/apr12-providence.html", "startDate" : "2014-04-12T19:30", "doorTime" : "18:30", "endDate" : "2014-04-12T22:00", "location" : { "@type" : "Place", "name" : "Lupo's Heartbreak Hotel", "sameAs" : "http://lupos.com/", "address" : { "@type" : "PostalAddress", "streetAddress" : "79 Washington St.", "addressLocality" : "Providence", "addressRegion" : "RI", "postalCode" : "02903", "addressCountry" : "US" } }, "offers" : [ { "@type" : "Offer", "name" : "General Admission", "price" : "$63.25", "availability" : "SoldOut", "url" : "http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/17004C29" },{ "@type" : "Offer", "name" : "VIP Experience", "url" : "http://www.example.com/Abcde12345", "price" : "$299.00", "validFrom" : "2014-02-05T10:00", "validThrough" : "2014-03-19T23:59" } ], "performer" : [ { "@type" : "MusicGroup", "name" : "B.B. King", "sameAs" : "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B.B._King" },{ "@type" : "MusicGroup", "name" : "Jonathon \"Boogie\" Long", "sameAs" : "http://jonathonboogielong.com/" } ], "eventStatus" : "EventRescheduled", "previousStartDate" : "2013-09-30T19:30", "typicalAgeRange" : "18+" }] </script>
Schema Version 3.2