
Canonical URL:

DataType > Number

Data type: Number.

Usage: Between 10 and 100 domains

Instances of Number may appear as values for the following properties

PropertyOn TypesDescription
additionalNumberOfGuests RsvpAction If responding yes, the number of guests who will attend in addition to the invitee.
amount DatedMoneySpecification  or
InvestmentOrDeposit  or
LoanOrCredit  or
The amount of money.
amountOfThisGood TypeAndQuantityNode The quantity of the goods included in the offer.
annualPercentageRate FinancialProduct The annual rate that is charged for borrowing (or made by investing), expressed as a single percentage number that represents the actual yearly cost of funds over the term of a loan. This includes any fees or additional costs associated with the transaction.
baseSalary EmployeeRole  or
The base salary of the job or of an employee in an EmployeeRole.
bestRating Rating The highest value allowed in this rating system. If bestRating is omitted, 5 is assumed.
billingIncrement UnitPriceSpecification This property specifies the minimal quantity and rounding increment that will be the basis for the billing. The unit of measurement is specified by the unitCode property.
childMaxAge ParentAudience Maximal age of the child.
childMinAge ParentAudience Minimal age of the child.
copyrightYear CreativeWork The year during which the claimed copyright for the CreativeWork was first asserted.
discount Order Any discount applied (to an Order).
elevation GeoCoordinates  or
The elevation of a location (WGS 84).
geoRadius GeoCircle Indicates the approximate radius of a GeoCircle (metres unless indicated otherwise via Distance notation).
highPrice AggregateOffer The highest price of all offers available.
interestRate FinancialProduct The interest rate, charged or paid, applicable to the financial product. Note: This is different from the calculated annualPercentageRate.
latitude GeoCoordinates The latitude of a location. For example 37.42242 (WGS 84).
longitude GeoCoordinates The longitude of a location. For example -122.08585 (WGS 84).
lowPrice AggregateOffer The lowest price of all offers available.
maxPrice PriceSpecification The highest price if the price is a range.
maxValue MonetaryAmount  or
PropertyValue  or
PropertyValueSpecification  or
The upper value of some characteristic or property.
minPrice PriceSpecification The lowest price if the price is a range.
minValue MonetaryAmount  or
PropertyValue  or
PropertyValueSpecification  or
The lower value of some characteristic or property.
numberOfAirbags Vehicle The number or type of airbags in the vehicle.
numberOfAxles Vehicle The number of axles.

Typical unit code(s): C62

numberOfBeds BedDetails The quantity of the given bed type available in the HotelRoom, Suite, House, or Apartment.
numberOfDoors Vehicle The number of doors.

Typical unit code(s): C62

numberOfForwardGears Vehicle The total number of forward gears available for the transmission system of the vehicle.

Typical unit code(s): C62

numberOfPreviousOwners Vehicle The number of owners of the vehicle, including the current one.

Typical unit code(s): C62

numberOfRooms Accommodation  or
Apartment  or
House  or
SingleFamilyResidence  or
The number of rooms (excluding bathrooms and closets) of the acccommodation or lodging business. Typical unit code(s): ROM for room or C62 for no unit. The type of room can be put in the unitText property of the QuantitativeValue.
numberedPosition OrganizationRole A number associated with a role in an organization, for example, the number on an athlete's jersey.
orderQuantity OrderItem The number of the item ordered. If the property is not set, assume the quantity is one.
price Offer  or
PriceSpecification  or

The offer price of a product, or of a price component when attached to PriceSpecification and its subtypes.

Usage guidelines:

  • Use the priceCurrency property (with ISO 4217 codes e.g. "USD") instead of including ambiguous symbols such as '$' in the value.
  • Use '.' (Unicode 'FULL STOP' (U+002E)) rather than ',' to indicate a decimal point. Avoid using these symbols as a readability separator.
  • Note that both RDFa and Microdata syntax allow the use of a "content=" attribute for publishing simple machine-readable values alongside more human-friendly formatting.
  • Use values from 0123456789 (Unicode 'DIGIT ZERO' (U+0030) to 'DIGIT NINE' (U+0039)) rather than superficially similiar Unicode symbols.
ratingValue Rating The rating for the content.
screenCount MovieTheater The number of screens in the movie theater.
stepValue PropertyValueSpecification The stepValue attribute indicates the granularity that is expected (and required) of the value in a PropertyValueSpecification.
suggestedMaxAge PeopleAudience Maximal age recommended for viewing content.
suggestedMinAge PeopleAudience Minimal age recommended for viewing content.
totalPrice Reservation  or
The total price for the reservation or ticket, including applicable taxes, shipping, etc.
value MonetaryAmount  or
PropertyValue  or

The value of the quantitative value or property value node.

valueMaxLength PropertyValueSpecification Specifies the allowed range for number of characters in a literal value.
valueMinLength PropertyValueSpecification Specifies the minimum allowed range for number of characters in a literal value.
vehicleSeatingCapacity Vehicle The number of passengers that can be seated in the vehicle, both in terms of the physical space available, and in terms of limitations set by law.

Typical unit code(s): C62 for persons.

version CreativeWork The version of the CreativeWork embodied by a specified resource.
worstRating Rating The lowest value allowed in this rating system. If worstRating is omitted, 1 is assumed.

More specific DataTypes

Schema Version 3.2