Canonical URL: organization such as a school, NGO, corporation, club, etc.
Usage: Over 1,000,000 domains
Property | Expected Type | Description |
Properties from Organization | ||
PostalAddress or Text | Physical address of the item. |
AggregateRating | The overall rating, based on a collection of reviews or ratings, of the item. |
Person | Alumni of an organization. Inverse property: alumniOf. |
AdministrativeArea or GeoShape or Place or Text | The geographic area where a service or offered item is provided. Supersedes serviceArea. |
Text | An award won by or for this item. Supersedes awards. |
Brand or Organization | The brand(s) associated with a product or service, or the brand(s) maintained by an organization or business person. |
ContactPoint | A contact point for a person or organization. Supersedes contactPoints. |
Organization | A relationship between an organization and a department of that organization, also described as an organization (allowing different urls, logos, opening hours). For example: a store with a pharmacy, or a bakery with a cafe. |
Date | The date that this organization was dissolved. |
Text | The Dun & Bradstreet DUNS number for identifying an organization or business person. |
Text | Email address. |
Person | Someone working for this organization. Supersedes employees. |
Event | Upcoming or past event associated with this place, organization, or action. Supersedes events. |
Text | The fax number. |
Person | A person who founded this organization. Supersedes founders. |
Date | The date that this organization was founded. |
Place | The place where the Organization was founded. |
Organization or Person | A person or organization that supports (sponsors) something through some kind of financial contribution. |
Text | The Global Location Number (GLN, sometimes also referred to as International Location Number or ILN) of the respective organization, person, or place. The GLN is a 13-digit number used to identify parties and physical locations. |
OfferCatalog | Indicates an OfferCatalog listing for this Organization, Person, or Service. |
Place | Points-of-Sales operated by the organization or person. |
Text | The International Standard of Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4 code for a particular organization, business person, or place. |
Text | The official name of the organization, e.g. the registered company name. |
Text | An organization identifier that uniquely identifies a legal entity as defined in ISO 17442. |
Place or PostalAddress or Text | The location of for example where the event is happening, an organization is located, or where an action takes place. |
ImageObject or URL | An associated logo. |
Offer | A pointer to products or services offered by the organization or person. Inverse property: offeredBy. |
Organization or Person | A member of an Organization or a ProgramMembership. Organizations can be members of organizations; ProgramMembership is typically for individuals. Supersedes members, musicGroupMember. Inverse property: memberOf. |
Organization or ProgramMembership | An Organization (or ProgramMembership) to which this Person or Organization belongs. Inverse property: member. |
Text | The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for a particular organization or business person. |
QuantitativeValue | The number of employees in an organization e.g. business. |
OwnershipInfo or Product | Products owned by the organization or person. |
Organization | The larger organization that this organization is a subOrganization of, if any. Supersedes branchOf. Inverse property: subOrganization. |
Review | A review of the item. Supersedes reviews. |
Demand | A pointer to products or services sought by the organization or person (demand). |
Organization or Person | A person or organization that supports a thing through a pledge, promise, or financial contribution. e.g. a sponsor of a Medical Study or a corporate sponsor of an event. |
Organization | A relationship between two organizations where the first includes the second, e.g., as a subsidiary. See also: the more specific 'department' property. Inverse property: parentOrganization. |
Text | The Tax / Fiscal ID of the organization or person, e.g. the TIN in the US or the CIF/NIF in Spain. |
Text | The telephone number. |
Text | The Value-added Tax ID of the organization or person. |
Properties from Thing | ||
URL | An additional type for the item, typically used for adding more specific types from external vocabularies in microdata syntax. This is a relationship between something and a class that the thing is in. In RDFa syntax, it is better to use the native RDFa syntax - the 'typeof' attribute - for multiple types. tools may have only weaker understanding of extra types, in particular those defined externally. |
Text | An alias for the item. |
Text | A description of the item. |
Text | A sub property of description. A short description of the item used to disambiguate from other, similar items. Information from other properties (in particular, name) may be necessary for the description to be useful for disambiguation. |
PropertyValue or Text or URL | The identifier property represents any kind of identifier for any kind of Thing, such as ISBNs, GTIN codes, UUIDs etc. provides dedicated properties for representing many of these, either as textual strings or as URL (URI) links. See background notes for more details. |
ImageObject or URL | An image of the item. This can be a URL or a fully described ImageObject. |
CreativeWork or URL | Indicates a page (or other CreativeWork) for which this thing is the main entity being described. See background notes for details. Inverse property: mainEntity. |
Text | The name of the item. |
Action | Indicates a potential Action, which describes an idealized action in which this thing would play an 'object' role. |
URL | URL of a reference Web page that unambiguously indicates the item's identity. E.g. the URL of the item's Wikipedia page, Wikidata entry, or official website. |
URL | URL of the item. |
Instances of Organization may appear as values for the following properties
Property | On Types | Description |
OwnershipInfo | The organization or person from which the product was acquired. |
Person | An organization that this person is affiliated with. For example, a school/university, a club, or a team. |
Action | The direct performer or driver of the action (animate or inanimate). e.g. John wrote a book. |
Person | An organization that the person is an alumni of. inverse property: alumni. |
Event | A person or organization attending the event. Supersedes attendees. |
CreativeWork or Rating | The author of this content or rating. Please note that author is special in that HTML 5 provides a special mechanism for indicating authorship via the rel tag. That is equivalent to this and may be used interchangeably. |
Organization or Person or Product or Service | The brand(s) associated with a product or service, or the brand(s) maintained by an organization or business person. |
BroadcastService | The media network(s) whose content is broadcast on this station. |
BroadcastService | The organization owning or operating the broadcast service. |
Invoice or Order or Reservation | An entity that arranges for an exchange between a buyer and a seller. In most cases a broker never acquires or releases ownership of a product or service involved in an exchange. If it is not clear whether an entity is a broker, seller, or buyer, the latter two terms are preferred. Supersedes bookingAgent. |
Event or MusicComposition | The person or organization who wrote a composition, or who is the composer of a work performed at some event. |
CreativeWork or Event | A secondary contributor to the CreativeWork or Event. |
CreativeWork | The party holding the legal copyright to the CreativeWork. |
CreativeWork or UserComments | The creator/author of this CreativeWork. This is the same as the Author property for CreativeWork. |
MusicRelease | The group the release is credited to if different than the byArtist. For example, Red and Blue is credited to "Stefani Germanotta Band", but by Lady Gaga. |
Invoice or Order | Party placing the order or paying the invoice. |
Organization | A relationship between an organization and a department of that organization, also described as an organization (allowing different urls, logos, opening hours). For example: a store with a pharmacy, or a bakery with a cafe. |
EndorseAction | A sub property of participant. The person/organization being supported. |
FollowAction | A sub property of object. The person or organization being followed. |
CreativeWork or Event or Organization or Person | A person or organization that supports (sponsors) something through some kind of financial contribution. |
DigitalDocumentPermission | The person, organization, contact point, or audience that has been granted this permission. |
JobPosting | Organization offering the job position. |
ProgramMembership | The organization (airline, travelers' club, etc.) the membership is made with. |
Permit or Ticket | The organization issuing the ticket or permit. |
RentAction | A sub property of participant. The owner of the real estate property. |
DietarySupplement or Drug or Product | The manufacturer of the product. |
Organization or ProgramMembership | A member of an Organization or a ProgramMembership. Organizations can be members of organizations; ProgramMembership is typically for individuals. Supersedes musicGroupMember. inverse property: memberOf. |
Organization or Person | An Organization (or ProgramMembership) to which this Person or Organization belongs. inverse property: member. |
Offer | A pointer to the organization or person making the offer. inverse property: makesOffer. |
Event | An organizer of an Event. |
Organization | The larger organization that this organization is a subOrganization of, if any. Supersedes branchOf. inverse property: subOrganization. |
Action | Other co-agents that participated in the action indirectly. e.g. John wrote a book with Steve. |
Event | A performer at the event—for example, a presenter, musician, musical group or actor. Supersedes performers. |
CreativeWork | The person or organization who produced the work (e.g. music album, movie, tv/radio series etc.). |
CreativeWorkSeason or Episode or MediaObject or Movie or MovieSeries or RadioSeries or TVSeries or VideoGameSeries | The production company or studio responsible for the item e.g. series, video game, episode etc. |
BusTrip or CreativeWork or Flight or Invoice or ParcelDelivery or Reservation or Service or TrainTrip | The service provider, service operator, or service performer; the goods producer. Another party (a seller) may offer those services or goods on behalf of the provider. A provider may also serve as the seller. Supersedes carrier. |
CreativeWork | The publisher of the creative work. |
AuthorizeAction or CommunicateAction or DonateAction or GiveAction or Message or PayAction or ReturnAction or SendAction or TipAction | A sub property of participant. The participant who is at the receiving end of the action. |
MusicRelease | The label that issued the release. |
WebPage | People or organizations that have reviewed the content on this web page for accuracy and/or completeness. |
BuyAction or Demand or Flight or Offer or Order | An entity which offers (sells / leases / lends / loans) the services / goods. A seller may also be a provider. Supersedes merchant. |
Message or ReceiveAction | A sub property of participant. The participant who is at the sending end of the action. |
GovernmentService | The operating organization, if different from the provider. This enables the representation of services that are provided by an organization, but operated by another organization like a subcontractor. |
CreativeWork | The Organization on whose behalf the creator was working. |
CreativeWork or Event or MedicalStudy or Organization or Person | A person or organization that supports a thing through a pledge, promise, or financial contribution. e.g. a sponsor of a Medical Study or a corporate sponsor of an event. |
Organization | A relationship between two organizations where the first includes the second, e.g., as a subsidiary. See also: the more specific 'department' property. inverse property: parentOrganization. |
CreativeWork or Event | Organization or person who adapts a creative work to different languages, regional differences and technical requirements of a target market, or that translates during some event. |
Reservation or Ticket | The person or organization the reservation or ticket is for. |
Person | Organizations that the person works for. |
More specific Types
- Airline
- Corporation
- EducationalOrganization
- GovernmentOrganization
- LocalBusiness
- MedicalOrganization
- PerformingGroup
- SportsOrganization
More specific Types available in extensions
A fuller example that illustrates multiple contact numbers for a company, including US toll-free numbers, a hearing-impaired number, and several contact categories.
This example is JSON-only.
This example is JSON-only.
<script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context" : "", "@type" : "Organization", "url" : "", "contactPoint" : [ { "@type" : "ContactPoint", "telephone" : "+1-877-746-0909", "contactType" : "customer service", "contactOption" : "TollFree", "areaServed" : "US" } , { "@type" : "ContactPoint", "telephone" : "+1-505-998-3793", "contactType" : "customer service" } , { "@type" : "ContactPoint", "telephone" : "+1-877-296-1018", "contactType" : "customer service", "contactOption" : ["HearingImpairedSupported","TollFree"] , "areaServed" : "US" } , { "@type" : "ContactPoint", "telephone" : "+1-877-453-1304", "contactType" : "technical support", "contactOption" : "TollFree", "areaServed" : ["US","CA"], "availableLanguage" : ["English","French"] } , { "@type" : "ContactPoint", "telephone" : "+1-877-453-1304", "contactType" : "bill payment", "contactOption" : "TollFree", "areaServed" : ["US","CA"] } ] } </script>
An example of an order for multiple items, shipped separately. ACME Supplies Customer: Jane Doe Order: Item abc123: 1 Widget: delivered 2015-03-10 Item def456: 3 Widget accessories: shipped 2015-03-12
<div itemscope itemtype=""> <div itemprop="seller" itemscope itemtype=""> <b itemprop="name">ACME Supplies</b> </div> <div itemprop="customer" itemscope itemtype=""> <b itemprop="name">Jane Doe</b> </div> <div itemprop="orderedItem" itemscope itemtype=""> Item number: <span itemprop="orderItemNumber">abc123</span> <span itemprop="orderQuantity">1</span> <div itemprop="orderedItem" itemscope itemtype=""> <span itemprop="name">Widget</span> </div> <link itemprop="orderItemStatus" href="" />Delivered <div itemprop="orderDelivery" itemscope itemtype=""> <time="expectedArrivalFrom">2015-03-10</time> </div> </div> <div itemprop="orderedItem" itemscope itemtype=""> Item number: <span itemprop="orderItemNumber">def456</span> <span itemprop="orderQuantity">4</span> <div itemprop="orderedItem" itemscope itemtype=""> <span itemprop="name">Widget accessories</span> </div> <link itemprop="orderItemStatus" href="" />Shipped <div itemprop="orderDelivery" itemscope itemtype=""> <time itemprop="expectedArrivalFrom">2015-03-15</time> <time itemprop="expectedArrivalUntil">2015-03-18</time> </div> </div> </div>
<div vocab="" typeof="Order"> <div property="seller" typeof="Organization"> <b property="name">ACME Supplies</b> </div> <div property="customer" typeof="Person"> <b property="name">Jane Doe</b> </div> <div property="orderedItem" typeof="OrderItem"> Item number: <span property="orderItemNumber">abc123</span> <span property="orderQuantity">1</span> <div property="orderedItem" typeof="Product"> <span property="name">Widget</span> </div> <link property="orderItemStatus" href="" />Delivered <div property="orderDelivery" typeof="ParcelDelivery"> <time property="expectedArrivalFrom">2015-03-10</time> </div> </div> <div property="orderedItem" typeof="OrderItem"> Item number: <span property="orderItemNumber">def456</span> <span property="orderQuantity">4</span> <div property="orderedItem" typeof="Product"> <span property="name">Widget accessories</span> </div> <link property="orderItemStatus" href="" />Shipped <div property="orderDelivery" typeof="ParcelDelivery"> <time property="expectedArrivalFrom">2015-03-15</time> <time property="expectedArrivalUntil">2015-03-18</time> </div> </div> </div>
<script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "" "@type": "Order", "seller": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ACME Supplies" }, "customer": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Jane Doe" }, "orderedItem": [ { "@type": "OrderItem" "orderItemNumber": "abc123", "orderQuantity": 1, "orderedItem": { "@type": "Product", "name": "Widget" }, "orderItemStatus": "", "orderDelivery": { "@type": "ParcelDelivery", "expectedArrivalFrom": "2015-03-10" } }, { "@type": "OrderItem" "orderItemNumber": "def456", "orderQuantity": 3, "orderedItem": { "@type": "Product", "name": "Widget accessories" }, "orderItemStatus": "", "orderDelivery": { "@type": "ParcelDelivery", "expectedArrivalFrom": "2015-03-15", "expectedArrivalUntil": "2015-03-18" } } ] } </script>
An example of an order for multiple items, shipped separately. ACME Supplies Customer: Jane Doe Order: Item abc123: 1 Widget: delivered 2015-03-10 Item def456: 3 Widget accessories: shipped 2015-03-12
<div itemscope itemtype=""> <div itemprop="seller" itemscope itemtype=""> <b itemprop="name">ACME Supplies</b> </div> <div itemprop="customer" itemscope itemtype=""> <b itemprop="name">Jane Doe</b> </div> <div itemprop="orderedItem" itemscope itemtype=""> Item number: <span itemprop="orderItemNumber">abc123</span> <span itemprop="orderQuantity">1</span> <div itemprop="orderedItem" itemscope itemtype=""> <span itemprop="name">Widget</span> </div> <link itemprop="orderItemStatus" href="" />Delivered <div itemprop="orderDelivery" itemscope itemtype=""> <time="expectedArrivalFrom">2015-03-10</time> </div> </div> <div itemprop="orderedItem" itemscope itemtype=""> Item number: <span itemprop="orderItemNumber">def456</span> <span itemprop="orderQuantity">4</span> <div itemprop="orderedItem" itemscope itemtype=""> <span itemprop="name">Widget accessories</span> </div> <link itemprop="orderItemStatus" href="" />Shipped <div itemprop="orderDelivery" itemscope itemtype=""> <time itemprop="expectedArrivalFrom">2015-03-15</time> <time itemprop="expectedArrivalUntil">2015-03-18</time> </div> </div> </div>
<div vocab="" typeof="Order"> <div property="seller" typeof="Organization"> <b property="name">ACME Supplies</b> </div> <div property="customer" typeof="Person"> <b property="name">Jane Doe</b> </div> <div property="orderedItem" typeof="OrderItem"> Item number: <span property="orderItemNumber">abc123</span> <span property="orderQuantity">1</span> <div property="orderedItem" typeof="Product"> <span property="name">Widget</span> </div> <link property="orderItemStatus" href="" />Delivered <div property="orderDelivery" typeof="ParcelDelivery"> <time property="expectedArrivalFrom">2015-03-10</time> </div> </div> <div property="orderedItem" typeof="OrderItem"> Item number: <span property="orderItemNumber">def456</span> <span property="orderQuantity">4</span> <div property="orderedItem" typeof="Product"> <span property="name">Widget accessories</span> </div> <link property="orderItemStatus" href="" />Shipped <div property="orderDelivery" typeof="ParcelDelivery"> <time property="expectedArrivalFrom">2015-03-15</time> <time property="expectedArrivalUntil">2015-03-18</time> </div> </div> </div>
<script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "" "@type": "Order", "seller": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ACME Supplies" }, "customer": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Jane Doe" }, "orderedItem": [ { "@type": "OrderItem" "orderItemNumber": "abc123", "orderQuantity": 1, "orderedItem": { "@type": "Product", "name": "Widget" }, "orderItemStatus": "", "orderDelivery": { "@type": "ParcelDelivery", "expectedArrivalFrom": "2015-03-10" } }, { "@type": "OrderItem" "orderItemNumber": "def456", "orderQuantity": 3, "orderedItem": { "@type": "Product", "name": "Widget accessories" }, "orderItemStatus": "", "orderDelivery": { "@type": "ParcelDelivery", "expectedArrivalFrom": "2015-03-15", "expectedArrivalUntil": "2015-03-18" } } ] } </script>
Example specifying one customer service phone number.
This example is JSON-only.
This example is JSON-only.
<script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context" : "", "@type" : "Organization", "url" : "", "contactPoint" : [ { "@type" : "ContactPoint", "telephone" : "+1-401-555-1212", "contactType" : "customer service" } ] } </script>
A JSON example of an OrganizationRole, showing information about a 'member' of a 'SportsTeam', including time qualfiers (when he began and ended that role).
<div itemscope itemtype=""> <span itemprop="name">San Francisco 49ers</span> <div itemprop="member" itemscope itemtype=""> <div itemprop="member" itemscope itemtype=""> <span itemprop="name">Joe Montana</span> </div> <span itemprop="startDate">1979</span> <span itemprop="endDate">1992</span> <span itemprop="roleName">Quarterback</span> </div>
<div vocab="" typeof="SportsTeam"> <span property="name">San Francisco 49ers</span> <div property="member" typeof="OrganizationRole"> <div property="member" typeof=""> <span property="name">Joe Montana</span> </div> <span property="startDate">1979</span> <span property="endDate">1992</span> <span property="roleName">Quarterback</span> </div>
<script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "SportsTeam", "name": "San Francisco 49ers", "member": { "@type": "OrganizationRole", "member": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Joe Montana" }, "startDate": "1979", "endDate": "1992", "roleName": "Quarterback" } } </script>
Google.Org Contact Details: Main address: 38 avenue de l'Opera, F-75002 Paris, France Tel: ( 33 1) 42 68 53 00, Fax: ( 33 1) 42 68 53 01 E-mail: secretariat (at) URL: <a href=""></a> Members: - National Scientific Members in 100 countries and territories: Country1, Country2, ... - Scientific Union Members, 30 organizations listed in this Yearbook: Member 1, Member 2 History:
<div itemscope itemtype=""> <span itemprop="name"> (GOOG)</span> Contact Details: <div itemprop="address" itemscope itemtype=""> Main address: <span itemprop="streetAddress">38 avenue de l'Opera</span> <span itemprop="postalCode">F-75002</span> <span itemprop="addressLocality">Paris, France</span> , </div> Tel:<span itemprop="telephone">( 33 1) 42 68 53 00 </span>, Fax:<span itemprop="faxNumber">( 33 1) 42 68 53 01 </span>, E-mail: <span itemprop="email">secretariat(at)</span> Members: - National Scientific Members in 100 countries and territories: Country1, Country2, ... - Scientific Union Members, 30 organizations listed in this Yearbook: List of Alumni: <span itemprop="alumni" itemscope itemtype=""> <span itemprop="name">Jack Dan</span> </span>, <span itemprop="alumni" itemscope itemtype=""> <span itemprop="name">John Smith</span> </span>, History: </div>
<div vocab="" typeof="Organization"> <span property="name"> (GOOG)</span> Contact Details: <div property="address" typeof="PostalAddress"> Main address: <span property="streetAddress">38 avenue de l'Opera</span> <span property="postalCode">F-75002</span> <span property="addressLocality">Paris, France</span> , </div> Tel:<span property="telephone">( 33 1) 42 68 53 00 </span>, Fax:<span property="faxNumber">( 33 1) 42 68 53 01 </span>, E-mail: <span property="email">secretariat(at)</span> Members: - National Scientific Members in 100 countries and territories: Country1, Country2, ... - Scientific Union Members, 30 organizations listed in this Yearbook: List of Alumni: <span property="alumni" typeof="Person"> <span property="name">Jack Dan</span> </span>, <span property="alumni" typeof="Person"> <span property="name">John Smith</span> </span> History: </div>
<script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "Organization", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "addressLocality": "Paris, France", "postalCode": "F-75002", "streetAddress": "38 avenue de l'Opera" }, "email": "secretariat(at)", "faxNumber": "( 33 1) 42 68 53 01", "member": [ { "@type": "Organization" }, { "@type": "Organization" } ], "alumni": [ { "@type": "Person", "name": "Jack Dan" }, { "@type": "Person", "name": "John Smith" } ], "name": " (GOOG)", "telephone": "( 33 1) 42 68 53 00" } </script>
A MusicComposition Example. The following JSON-LD models the composition A Day in the Life by Lennon and McCartney, regardless of who performs or records the song.
Not available yet.
Not available yet.
<script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "MusicComposition", "@id": "", "name": "A Day in the Life", "composer": [ { "@type": "Person", "name": "John Lennon", "@id": "" }, { "@type": "Person", "name": "Paul McCartney", "@id": "" } ], "iswcCode": "T-010.140.236-1", "inLanguage": "EN", "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Northern Songs, Ltd.", "@id": "" }, "datePublished": "1967", "lyrics": { "@type": "CreativeWork", "text": "I read the news today oh boy..." } } </script>
<p> <a href="">National Public Radio</a> has a sponsor: <a href="">GloboCorp</a>. </p>
<p itemscope itemprop="organization" itemtype=""> <a href="" itemprop="url"> <span itemprop="name">National Public Radio</span></a> has a sponsor: <span itemprop="sponsor" itemscope itemtype=""> <a itemprop="url" href=""> <span itemprop="name">GloboCorp</span></a> </span>. </p>
<p vocab="" typeof="Organization"> <a href="" property="url"> <span property="name">National Public Radio</span></a> has a sponsor, <span property="sponsor" typeof=""> <a property="url" href=""> <span property="name">GloboCorp</span></a> </span>. </p>
<script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "Organization", "name": "National Public Radio", "url": "", "sponsor": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "GloboCorp", "url": "" } } </script>
<p> <a href="">National Public Radio</a> has a sponsor: <a href="">GloboCorp</a>. </p>
<p itemscope itemprop="organization" itemtype=""> <a href="" itemprop="url"> <span itemprop="name">National Public Radio</span></a> has a sponsor: <span itemprop="sponsor" itemscope itemtype=""> <a itemprop="url" href=""> <span itemprop="name">GloboCorp</span></a> </span>. </p>
<p vocab="" typeof="Organization"> <a href="" property="url"> <span property="name">National Public Radio</span></a> has a sponsor, <span property="sponsor" typeof=""> <a property="url" href=""> <span property="name">GloboCorp</span></a> </span>. </p>
<script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "Organization", "name": "National Public Radio", "url": "", "sponsor": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "GloboCorp", "url": "" } } </script>
WAAY is an affiliate of the ABC network and broadcasts in SD.
<div itemscope itemtype=""> <span itemprop="name">WAAY-TV</span> <span itemprop="broadcastDisplayName">ABC</span> <span itemprop="videoFormat">SD</span> <span itemprop="broadcastTimezone" content="-8:00">PST</span> <div itemprop="broadcastAffiliateOf" itemscope itemtype=""> <span itemprop="name">ABC</span> </div> </div>
<div vocab="" typeof="BroadcastService"> <span property="name">WAAY-TV</span> <span property="broadcastDisplayName">ABC</span> <span property="videoFormat">SD</span> <span property="broadcastTimezone" content="-8:00">PST</span> <div property="broadcastAffiliateOf" typeof="Organization"> <span property="name">ABC</span> </div> </div>
<script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context":"", "@type":"BroadcastService", "name":"WAAY-TV", "broadcastDisplayName":"ABC", "videoFormat":"SD", "broadcastTimezone": "-8:00", "broadcastAffiliateOf":{ "@type":"Organization", "name":"ABC" } } </script>
WAAY is channel 7 on Comcast cable.
<div itemscope itemtype=""> <span itemprop="name">WAAY 7</span> <span itemprop="broadcastChannelId">7</span> <span itemprop="broadcastServiceTier">Premium</span> <div itemprop="inBroadcastLineup" itemscope itemtype=""> <span itemprop="name">Comcast</span> </div> <div itemprop="providesBroadcastService" itemscope itemtype=""> <span itemprop="name">WAAY-TV</span> <span itemprop="broadcastDisplayName">ABC</span> <div itemprop="broadcastAffiliateOf" itemscope itemtype=""> <span itemprop="name">ABC</span> </div> </div> </div>
<div vocab="" typeof="TelevisionChannel"> <span property="name">WAAY 7</span> <span property="broadcastChannelId">7</span> <span property="broadcastServiceTier">Premium</span> <div property="inBroadcastLineup" typeof="CableOrSatelliteService"> <span property="name">Comcast</span> </div> <div property="providesBroadcastService" typeof="BroadcastService"> <span property="name">WAAY-TV</span> <span property="broadcastDisplayName">ABC</span> <div property="broadcastAffiliateOf" typeof="Organization"> <span property="name">ABC</span> </div> </div> </div>
<script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context":"", "@type":"TelevisionChannel", "name": "WAAY 7", "broadcastChannelId":"7", "broadcastServiceTier":"Premium", "inBroadcastLineup":{ "@type":"CableOrSatelliteService", "name": "Comcast", }, "providesBroadcastService":{ "@type":"BroadcastService", "name": "WAAY-TV", "broadcastDisplayName": "ABC", "broadcastAffiliateOf":{ "@type":"Organization", "name":"ABC" } } } </script>
Schema Version 3.2